- 2011
- November
- September
- August
- May
- April
Switching back to Juce
While Juced (the fork) has some features the original Juce lacks, Juced could be merged a little more frequently for my taste, and it's not always 100% internally consistent (incompatibilities with UI code generated by The Jucer). Also, the main feature I liked about Juced - JACK support - was -
Code incompatibilities fixed
Wolpertinger will now properly build again with Juced SVN.
Build process works something like this:
1. Get Juced
svn checkout http://juced.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ juced -r163
2. Build Juced
(cd juced/tools/linux; ./manage make lib)
3. Get VST SDK 2.
Switching back to Juce
- February
- 2009