This totally b0rked antialiasing filter... Sounds kinda cool. :-)

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Version 0.3 has a Virtual Keyboard component (most useful in the standalone version) and some other GUI niceties. It's built with latest Juce tip.

Download: Linux binaries (32-bit)
Source: SVN
See README for build instructions.

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While Juced (the fork) has some features the original Juce lacks, Juced could be merged a little more frequently for my taste, and it's not always 100% internally consistent (incompatibilities with UI code generated by The Jucer). Also, the main feature I liked about Juced - JACK support - was recently integrated into Juce, so there's little reason left for me to use Juced. I'm switching back Wolpertinger to build with the original Juce for now.

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Wolpertinger will now properly build again with Juced SVN.
Build process works something like this:

1. Get Juced
svn checkout juced -r163

2. Build Juced
(cd juced/tools/linux; ./manage make lib)

3. Get VST SDK 2.4
... point browser to Steinberg's developer site... Setup "3rd party developer account"... Provide Email address for SPAM... Sign in blood the provided License Agreement... Sell soul to Satan... Finally, unzip the SDK to subdirectory vstsdk2.4...

4. Get Wolpertinger
svn checkout svn:// wolpertinger

5. Build Wolpertinger
(cd wolpertinger; make; make config=release)

Done! You will find the normal binaries in build/Release and debug binaries in build/Debug.

Once you did the setup you can just run
cd wolpertinger; svn update; make; make config=release
to make the latest Wolpertinger.

Note that point 3 (the PITA point) is the reason we need a set of free-as-in-speech VST-compatible plugin headers - a Vestige for Plugins (VFP). If you want to help constructing one, contact me.

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This is a small update. The GUI looks mostly the same as 0.1:

* MIDI parameter changes now update the GUI
* Binaries are no longer linked to OpenGL
* Debug and Release binaries included.

Audio snippet: mp3
32-bit Binaries for Linux: Download
Source code: Subversion

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